Sunday, July 04, 2010

Stuff and things

I've been working for several days on bits and pieces to put on either Ebay or my new Etsy page. Not sure which would be the most profitable.


This one make me happy.


This one makes me laugh!!

Oh, dear...just noticed I can see me reflected in the "We're feeling our femine side" one.

Saturday, July 03, 2010

Ebay....a curse and a blessing

I have been selling on Ebay on and off for many years now. I have concluded that had I been more diligent in the beginning I might now be one of the "power sellers" thus making the selling of my precious items unnessessary. Meh. I am having sellers remorse today. I put an item for sale that I have had and loved since LOTR coin. Why I am allowing myself to feel badly about this I've no idea. It was given as a gift so any monies from it are a plus. And it's not as if it is one of my most beloved items from my LOTR collection....I don't know as I would ever part from my little hobbits or 'sting' So, yeah, I suppose it is more a feeling of being ripped off as the other coin sales for this item have consistantly sold for higher and when I finally list mine it goes for a pittance. And then the buyer...a coin collector on Ebay asks if I have another as he wants more.

Sheesh dude. Do your own research. You can see the other auctions as well as I and it is not allowable to sell outside of Ebay...they want their cut. What is their cut now? TEN PERCENT. Basturds. Ok, that is the total amount they took because of the insertion fees but really.....wish that I had thought of an online auction years ago....damn. The founders of Ebay must be rolling in it.

Why is it that my little ideas never produce this kind of success? Perhaps I just give up too soon. There's that. And most likely that is the reason. I tend to be impatient when it comes to these things. I want my ideas to flourish like a dandelion on a white trash lawn. Oh...dear....that is probably very But in my defense I am the white trash with the bad lawn....because...who REALLY cares if your lawn looks perfect when you live in the burbs? Oh, yes...the snoots. I was a snoot once...thank god I saw the light. Having that big house with the perfect lawn and perfect toys and perfect, perfect....bleah....what really matters is whether or not you are happy there. I am kind of enjoying the fact that I am now...once again....hanging my laundry on a line to dry. lol Ok...that train of thought didn't really flow smoothly but.....who cares eh? Hopefully, the reader didn't get lost too far up river......

Or should it be DOWN river??

menopause oh menopause how i curse you
you take the brain
that once was sane
and make it hard to pursue.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Last night....

Last night was not a good one. Had one of those emotional breakdowns that I just could not stop. Sobbing and slobbering all over the place. Not pretty. I wish that I could see my way through this mess but sometimes I just get overwelmed with the trudging along. Seems like nothing is pulling together for, that is wrong....the movie is looking like it is going to be the best so far. I am so looking forward to that. It's just the lack of job and lack of money that is scaring me down to my core. I don't know how long we can flounder in this bog.

Even as I write this I know in my heart that there will be an answer, just perhaps not in the way that I have perceived it. I must remember this and when things overwhelm me, pull myself together and keep standing. We have friends who love and support us and that is comforting. Just have to remember that when I feel myself falling.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Ebay Item

Here is one of the items I put on Ebay.

For whatever reason I cannot get the direct link to work from the post but you copy/paste this into your browser. Will do more research on this linking problem. Perhaps I need to study D'ni.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Online Yardsale....

I knew I had a blog out there....turns out I made two but have not posted since Time flies. Anyhoo...I am posting a few pictures of things that I need to sell. If you would like to purchase any or all, post here or email me.

The only way I can get the pictures to load right now is to put them in the sidebar. Not the best but if you click on them you can see the item. I did not post prices, take a look and make an offer.


Ok, slight update. Prices are as follows:

Small cd holder sold
Quilt - sold
Bench/loveseat sold


I have now put two of the items on Ebay. I will ad a link later for those items.