Friday, June 25, 2010

Last night....

Last night was not a good one. Had one of those emotional breakdowns that I just could not stop. Sobbing and slobbering all over the place. Not pretty. I wish that I could see my way through this mess but sometimes I just get overwelmed with the trudging along. Seems like nothing is pulling together for, that is wrong....the movie is looking like it is going to be the best so far. I am so looking forward to that. It's just the lack of job and lack of money that is scaring me down to my core. I don't know how long we can flounder in this bog.

Even as I write this I know in my heart that there will be an answer, just perhaps not in the way that I have perceived it. I must remember this and when things overwhelm me, pull myself together and keep standing. We have friends who love and support us and that is comforting. Just have to remember that when I feel myself falling.

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